Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break!

We love when all of our friends' mommies are home from work and can bring our friends to play. This week has been Spring Break in our town, so we've had lots of fun in the Spring and not so many "breaks." We've been busier than ever!

This week....we went to the mall, zoo, library, bible study, park, and Easter egg hunting. Whew! Mommy is worn out! The boys have had a great time and it reinvigorates me to see them having fun.

The funny thing is that my boys, as happy as they are out and about, really seem to enjoy their time at home most~which I must admit warms my heart. My Rolly is snuggle baby. Given the opportunity to play or snuggle with mommy-he's a snuggler! Anyone who knows my Lucky knows he's an on-the-go boy. What he loves most is for me to build with him. More recently though he's become a bit more snuggly-and loves to sit close to us and watch Signing Time or Baby Einstein. We're enjoying a little snuggle time before bed- in fact he just leaned over and gave me 2 kisses. MUAH!

Oh, I love these boys.

1 comment:

Sunshine Mama said...

The easter egg hunt looked fun. What's the temperature down there? We're at about 50 degrees here.