Sunday, November 23, 2008

Not So Friendly Friendship Bread

So you all know that one of Lucky's favorite things to do with Mommy is cook. So to that end our friend Abby gave us a fabulous cooking project: Amish Friendship Bread. Sounds cool, doesn't it? Well it certainly is. It takes 10 days to make, in which you receive a starter batter kit from a friend, then proceed to squish the batter for several days, add random ingredients, and then make a huge batch to share and finally make bread with your left overs. Still sounds fun, right? little Lucky was rather grumpy on bread making day. He repeatedly grumped, crying alternately about filling tablespoons to exactness, versus dumping ingredients in randomly. It was a challenge, but 2 loaves of friendship bread resulted. And it was quite tasty. So we have passed along the goods and hope that our friends enjoy it too, minus the grumps!

We did manage to have several happy moments as seen in this video that is taking way too long to load. (I'll try again tomorrow!)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Little Men in the Oldest City

In honor of Veteran's Day my friend Abby and I ventured out of our comfort zone with the two boys and into the Oldest City for some good old fashioned fun. We walked through the shops, ate a fabulous Cuban lunch, and toured the city by train.
"You mean trolly?"
"No! Train!"
"But there are no trains...."
"There are to a very determined 2 year old who so persistently, and sweetly asked to go on a train ride that Abby and I could do nothing, but comply even after we learned that the train ride was an hour and a half and cost $17 for adults!"
It made for an extra long day, but it was great fun. I'm so glad we went.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Lucky has an aversion to textures and messy hands, so what better way to ease his discomfort than to dig our hands right in? We had a minor meltdown when Lucky learned he couldn't eat the cottage cheese mixture (because of the raw egg), but a quick snack of yogurt fixed that. The lasagna turned out great, my Lucky is one great cook.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sweet Slinging!

See my sweet little Rolly? Well, a few minutes ago he did not look this sweet. This poor little guy has 2 teeth and is working on the 3rd and 4th! After quite a painful cry Rolly fell into a restful sleep on Mommy. Maybe he'll feel better after his nap. Regardless, tomorrow we will go to the doctor to see if all this teething has caused another ear infection. I sure hope not!

Orange You Glad It's Washable?

I've got to be honest-I've never really understood those "Orange you glad" jokes, but it seemed appropriate. What happened? Well.... This morning at bible study one of the women brought in oranges from her tree and Lucky got one to take home. I could see him picking at it in his car seat on the way home but didn't think he could really get to it. Umm...apparently I underestimated the abilities of a hungry 2 year old. Now I get to wash a car seat, shirt, pants, hands and face. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Eklekton Day!

In case anyone was wondering Eklekton Day is Lucky's version of Election Day. Does he have any idea of the ramifications of this day? Of course not! But he did make a cute little firecracker poster that says, "In God We Trust." That statement is never more true than when our country hangs in the balance. So let's all remember In God We Trust-yes we do!

What Lucky does know is how to play and play he did today. He played with friends while Mommy worked out, then played at the park with more friends, ate lunch at the park, played more at the park, and then proceeded to play in his bed for about an hour and a half, got out of bed (while Mommy showered) and played with his firetruck (when Mommy found him he said he had to go pee-pee on the potty), played in the bathroom while saying he needed to go stinky too (which he did not), played in bed for another 30 minutes before Mommy went in and declared naptime (I mean playtime) to be over. Tonight there will be no more playing in bed just sleeping-and sleeping at 7 pm at that!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This week has been full of Halloween fun. We went to a Halloween party at the library on Monday, another one at the gym for preschoolers on Thursday, and finally our church’s trunk party on Friday. In the mean time I managed to squeeze in enough time to make Rolly’s costume (just barely.) As it turns out making a Dalmatian costume is not super fast since it is covered in spots, (Rolly’s took me about 8 hours), but isn’t he just the cutest! Catch a glimpse of little firefighter and dalmation pup.

Chomp, Chomp!

Earlier this week Rolly turned 5 months old. The time has flown by. He can sleep through the night, take long naps, sit up, roll over, smile and NOW chomp! He has 2 teeth. He got his first one October 23 and second one October 31. I am absolutely unable to picture these teeth since his hands are constantly in his mouth. Check out his super cuteness. We are so thankful for our Rolly boy!