Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Merry Christmas to God!"

We want to be able to start Christmas traditions of our own, which isn't so easy while traveling. So today we celebrated Christmas at home. It was really nice. We ate breakfast together (something we almost never do on Sundays before church). We went to church together, came home to my first-ever, home-cooked Christmas meal (that I prepared with Pongo's help-It turned out really well!) Then everyone took a nap before we had "Kissmiss."

We read the Christmas story to the boys and talked about the reason we give gifts at Christmastime. Jesus was God's gift to the world, the best and most important gift. We give gifts to everyone we love, just like God gave his son, Jesus, as a gift to the whole world because He loves them. At this point in our talk, Lucky ran over to the tree and proclaimed "PRESENTS!" Pongo and I looked at each other and shrugged, we tried. So the boys opened gift after gift. When we were all done Pongo asked Lucky why we opened gifts and Lucky said "Because of Jesus!" So he really was listening.

At dinner later Lucky very sweetly began to tell everyone at the the table "Merry Kissmiss!" Pongo looked at Lucky and said, "Merry Christmas to you too!" Lucky said, "No! Merry Kissmiss to God!" Now if that isn't what Christmas is about I don't know what is. Merry Christmas to God-indeed.

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